Servicecore Updates

Servicecore ITSM Suite is updated regularly.

New features, new functions developed, improvements made and updates with the latest updated versions can be followed on this page.

Change : August 2024

  • Improvement in file selection on the new incident record creation screen in the end-user panel.

  • Improvement to ensure user information is pre-selected on the service records detail page.

  • Improvement to ensure user information is pre-selected on the asset records detail page.

  • Improvement for the performance issue encountered while viewing record details on the "My Approvals" page.

  • Improvement to redirect to the profile of the user who added the note on the request details page.

  • Improvement to ensure the task deletion notification is sent.

  • Improvement in downloading attachments added to change records.

  • Improvement in displaying the agent assigned to predefined task records during editing in the catalog details.

  • Improvement in creating a new user from the customer details page.

  • Improvement to ensure the service type is displayed according to the subcategory.

  • Addition of a quick content preview feature on the listing pages in the end-user and agent panels.

  • Addition of a new permission for closing records to roles.

  • Development of a custom field feature for the task module.

  • Addition of the ability to print task records in the project module.

  • Addition of the ability to clone task records in the project module.

  • Addition of detailed filtering capabilities for task records in the project module.

  • Addition of closure rules for the continuous improvement module.

  • Addition of quick note and approval features within a popup on the "My Approvals" page.

  • Addition of a column for the work log module in the report.

  • Display of custom fields defined for the incident module in the report.

Change : July 2024

  • Improvement in resolving the issue of special custom fields when converting a call record to a request record.

  • Improvement in exporting reports created for problem records in the dashboard to Excel.

  • Improvement in exporting reports created for request records in the dashboard to Excel.

  • Improvement for the issue in the "does not contain" filter for incident and request records in the dashboard.

  • Improvement to ensure the new incident creation screen in the end-user panel is responsive.

  • Improvement to prevent the closure description and reason from being overwritten when an incident record is automatically closed based on a setting.

  • Improvement in selecting the request item when merging call records into a request.

  • Performance improvements on the pages listing catalog items and request records in the agent panel and end-user panel.

  • Improvement in the Elsa workflow.

  • Improvement to prevent email notifications from being sent for deleted records.

  • Improvement to cancel the email being sent to the record creator in emails that should be forwarded to the module owner.

  • Improvement in the filter and Excel export feature for the project module's report.

  • Improvement to display changes such as images, font, and size in the description field on the catalog details page.

  • Improvement to fix the issue of the subject field being empty when the end-user opens a request on behalf of someone else.

  • Improvement in the request closure pop-up.

  • Performance improvement for the tasks page.

  • Adding a column to the request report.

  • Enhancement to remove the agent from groups when they are deactivated.

  • Additions to the general overview section on the details page for solution records.

  • Feature to export tasks on the project record details page.

  • Feature to close an incident when it is linked to a new request record.

  • Adding a column to the improvement report.

  • Adding a column to the work logs list across all modules.

  • Enhancement on the screen where a request record is converted into a new improvement record.

Change : June 2024

  • Registration numbers appearing in notifications

  • Improvement of the visibility of attachments in case the email content is large

  • Mandatory field control improvement in end user panel new request creation screen

  • Notification improvement in incident, request and improvement records opened on behalf of someone else

  • End user panel background image improvement in general settings application settings area

  • Improvement in the powers of the project member in the project manager role

  • Improvement in the display of customer information of the request record opened on behalf of someone else in the breakdown report

  • Performance improvement in closing task records linked to the change module

  • Improvement of sending notifications to the user assigned to the tasks in the project module

  • Improvement made in the privileges of the project module

  • Project module performance improvement

  • Project module language setting editing

  • Improvements to Sla calculations

  • Dashboard optimization module filter improvement

  • Incident module customer filter improvement

  • Improvement regarding passive agents in the task calendar filtering area

  • Update to prevent overlapping of widget title and value in dashboard score type widgets

  • Improvements to the language source settings page

  • Adding the feature of displaying all information filled in the user information on the detail page of the modules

  • Feature of showing the agents who last updated the incident and request records in the inventory report

  • Adding columns to dashboard incident module table type tools

  • Dashboard change module tool design grouping, filter and column improvements

  • Integrated sending feature of attachments in modules and attachments in custom attachment fields

  • Category scope improvement in dump report for incident and request modules

  • Casting report contract module filter feature

  • Automation management incident module condition additions

  • The ability to set the reason for closing the request module

  • Improvements to the entity association screen to the incident record

  • Feature of displaying the record number assigned by the system to the records created in the end user panel

Change : May 2024

  • Custom additional field filename optimization

  • Clipboard editing improvement

  • Dashboard export button improvement

  • Image improvement in Office365 graph protocol mail

  • Improved agent selection on the detail page of a saved catalog item

  • Adding change log pinning feature

  • Filter improvement on the page where continuous improvement records are listed

  • New additions and improvements in the survey details tab

  • Improvement made in the field of interviews in modules

  • Dashboard widget preview and display editing

  • Improvement made regarding the user area when converting the call page to incident, request and improvement.

  • Performance improvement in request records basic approval flows

  • Improvement of subcontract and extended contract links for the contract module

  • Improvement of continuous improvement recording closing feature

  • Dashboard widget export improvement

  • Improvement in active agent number display

  • Adding the feature of combining pending incident and request records

  • Improving overall search performance

  • Filter improvement on the page where request records are listed

  • Adding the ability to select the closure description and closure reason in the automatic incident closure process

  • Adding the ability to adjust the color of dashboard tools

  • Condition additions for automation management change module

  • Setting the number of records to be listed in modules

  • Additions to new incident creation body in api app

  • Adding dump report run report feature

  • Column additions in the export of problem records in the breakdown report and dashboard widget

  • Adding the sorting feature to the widgets prepared on the dashboard

  • On the detail page of the modules, you can see the overview and the ability to connect the open status of the properties panel to the setting.

Change : April 2024

  • Incident logs filtering improvement

  • Request dashboard report column improvement

  • Recorded arrival of the conditions recorded in the casting report

  • Removing duplicate columns in the breakdown report

  • End user panel announcements improvement

  • Agent filtering improvement in dashboard widget filters

  • Project task adding/editing screen Turkish character search improvement

  • Design improvement in areas where description, note and e-mail content are defined

  • Improvements made to the canned answers component

  • Improvement of empty filter in all modules

  • Improvement in creating a problem link from the event log

  • End user panel new registration template selection improvements

  • Improvement in outgoing notification when a task is added to the change record

  • Preventing additions to process records after they are closed

  • End user panel ask a question area catalog search improvement

  • Improvement in sending scheduled report

  • Improved sending of task deleted notification

  • Healing module custom filter improvements

  • Improvement in the users to be notified and shared component on the new request creation page

  • Improvement in send and change status area

Change : March 2024

  • Request detail record deletion performance improvement

  • Improvement of full display of record description and note content

  • User email activation improvement

  • Improvement regarding module owners notification of deleted tasks

  • Improvement made to display the details of bars that are too short in dashboard graphic designs.

  • Design improvement in screen sizes

  • Include the closure date on the change records detail page

  • Improvement records filter feature date field improvement

  • Agent panel request creation screen other person to be notified improvement

  • Improvement of duplicate incident logs

  • Restriction on being able to choose from users belonging to their own organization when choosing to share the end user panel and registering on behalf of someone else

  • Changes made to special additional fields in all modules are reflected in the history

  • Improvement for operator in custom filters

  • Task module select all action improvement

  • Improvement of change dump report export to Excel

  • Improvements made for problem situations in the dashboard widget preparation filter section

  • Fixing the problem if there is a task during project archiving

  • Request records list page performance improvement

Change : February 2024

  • Attachments and images in the registration description were sent to the integrated system

    calling agents with disabled accounts now available

  • Additions to agent groups and user groups pages in the administration panel

  • Sorting feature in record lists opened with widgets created on the dashboard

  • Connecting the incident and improvements modules to the setting on behalf of someone else on the end user screen

  • Adding a field to transcript report request records

  • Feature of notifying agents and users shared in incident records

  • Adding send email to automation management action for request module

  • Adding send email to automation management action for ımprovement module

  • Send and change status improvement in conversations feature in modules

  • The background can move while creating e-mail content in the conversations feature in the modules

  • Adding pagination option to incident and request module record listing pages

  • Improvement of listing records in score and chart widgets created for the project module on the dashboard page

  • Custom field improvement in customer records

  • Reflecting the records created by e-mail to the description field

  • Improvement of automatic start of the approval process on a catalog item for which administrator approval is requested

  • Improvement for user field to be selected in call recordings

  • Improvement made so that the status component of a closed improvement record is selected with the closed status.

  • Improvement made to ensure that the diagram arrives as it is created in dynamic approval flows

Change : January 2024

  • Project module currency feature

  • Feature of closing related incidents in case of closing problem records

  • Changing the status of linked incidents when the status of problem records changes

  • Re-opening linked closed incidents in case of re-ppening closed problem records

  • Grouped and bulk condition addition feature for event module in automation management

  • Grouped and bulk Condition addition feature for request module in automation management

  • Grouped and bulk condition addition feature for problem module in automation management

  • Automatic agent assignment feature for incident records

  • Ability to request multiple approval from the same person for change recommendation request

  • Authorizing the agent to update the information of a different user

  • Improvement for notifications to agents shared in request records

  • Validation control information message improvement regarding the date field in task records

  • Improvement in the selection of people to consult in continuous improvement records

  • Improvement of clearing the agents license if his user account is disabled

  • Improvement made to create e-mail content with canned response in the conversations feature in the modules

  • Improvement in the process of reopening closed incident records by the user from the end user panel

  • Improvement for project records to be displayed according to the active agents when adding a quick job log with

    the new menu from the top menu

  • Improvement for the agent field of catalog records to be selected

  • Improvement for search in user and agent selection components

  • Improvement to refresh the page when the agent clicks on the request menu

  • Improvement made to the asset report taken from the breakdown report

  • Improvement made to automation management request module section condition

Change : December 2023

  • Task kanban improvements

  • Tasks page design improvements

  • Project page performance improvements

  • Project to task link improvements

  • Bulk update action bug fix

  • Problem automation additions

  • Incident automation bug fix

  • Contract user selection fix

  • Active directory integration cron sync orchestration

  • Periodic e-mail sending has been added to the breakdown report

  • Corrections in the filter field on the problem and incident page

  • "Assign to Me" button added to the request detail page

  • Process templates bug fix

  • Performance improvements in job log duration fields

  • Problem history field additions

Change : November 2023

  • Authorization feature for additional fields in the user panel

  • Ability to request approval by adding an explanation to the recommendation/approval process for improvement records

  • Adding approval history to the screen that opens to view the details of improvements, changes and contract records on the My Approvals page.

  • Improvement page approval and rejection transaction authorizations

  • Developing the authority to see more than one group of agents

  • SLA improvements

  • Improvements in email catcher performance and capture of attachments

  • Project module performance improvement

  • Starting intro additions

  • Various improvements to the new incident page

  • Various improvements to the new problem page

  • Tasks job log template additions

  • Agent groups page listing improvement

  • Adding a new currency to the project module

  • Role improvement that can only see its own agent group

  • Request quick edit improvement

  • Project resource area development

  • User and agent page synchronization

  • Adding the project archive feature

  • Various improvements to process templates

  • Global Statuses background and color improvements

Change : July 2023

  • Incident page architecture change

  • Request page architecture change

  • New registration creation pages

  • User improvements

  • Job logs validation settings

  • Login screen performance and system improvements

  • Asset export improvement

  • Problem page architecture change

  • Performance improvements

  • Integration variable addressing

  • File upload improvements

  • Improvements to responsive design

Change : June 2023

  • Improvements made on Dashboard (Font-Counter-Live)

  • Restrictions on email templates

  • Adding the tasks module to closure rules

  • Adding the tasks module to validation settings

  • Entry of public holidays during business hours

  • Actions added to automation management

  • Features added to application settings and user settings

  • Relationships field added to the project

  • A subtask opening button has been added under the task in the tasks tab in the project.

  • Added additional space when closing task in Tasks calendar tab

  • ID has been added to the task in the Tasks calendar tab.

  • Columns and filters added to the breakdown report

Change : May 2023

  • Designing the multitenant structure

  • Introducing user impersonation

  • MsTeams notification integration

  • Sms notification integration

  • Task synchronization via Outlook calendar

  • Adding special notifications to process owners

  • Adding email account condition to automation rules

  • Adding the action of closing the request record to the automation rules

Change : April 2023

  • Google recaptcha v2 added

  • Improvement of the role/edit page

  • Azure connectivity optimization

  • File attachments performance and security improvement

  • Fixing user portal annotation fields

  • Responsive edits of the menu bar

  • Validation arrangement on the improvement end-user side

  • Updating Windows services

  • Elsa improvements

  • Improvement of problem module automation boards

  • Creating sub-company structure with subsidiary linking feature to support customers

  • Recording the waiting history of event and request records

Change : March 2023

  • Designing the new incident form

  • Editing file permissions

  • Performance improvements of data tables

  • Security improvements in the user portal

  • Incident page architectural changes

  • Captcha setup

  • Quick edit and update batch action on CI page

  • About page design changes

  • License page edits

  • Updates of used components

  • Adding additional inserts in api project

Change : February 2023

  • Active directory connection improvement

  • Additions to API requests

  • General system language improvements

  • Improvements to the customer system

  • Visual improvements on the license page

  • Performance improvements in api documentation

  • Improvements in exporting reports to Excel

  • Tasks page entitlements improvements

  • Projects module performance improvements

Change : January 2023

  • Global search performance improvement

  • Architecture updates

  • Project authorization updates

  • Improvements to the new incident creation page

  • General performance improvements

  • Adding project widgets to the homepage

  • Updates and improvements to end-user screens

  • Tasks page performance updates

Change : December 2022

  • Task module improvement

  • Improvements to the roles page

  • Conversations area arrangements

  • Owner notification additions

  • SSO entegrations improvement

  • Security fixes

  • New homepage dashboards

  • Customer-based authorization improvements

  • Assets debit form performance improvement

  • About page improvement

Change : November 2022

  • Performance improvement on system language change

  • SLA behavior improvement

  • SI edit page performance improvement

  • New change modal design improvement

  • Problem module performance improvements

  • Email fetcher performance improvement

  • Requests and incident module performance improvements

  • Control panel filter improvement

  • Contracts module regulations

  • Adding the authorized customer agent role

  • Various hint edits

  • Various security fixes

  • System performance improvements

Change : October 2022

  • Improvements to the asset definition screen

  • Incident page signalR update

  • System notifications improvement

  • Adding end-user optimization details

  • Record search performance improvements

  • Improvement in the deletion behavior of the system

  • Visual improvements in ticket details

  • Improvement work on closure rules

  • Service level agreement (SLA) improvement

  • Mail fetcher improvement

  • İnteraction module design improvements

  • Performance improvement in the interaction module conversion area

  • Various security updates

Change : September 2022

  • Service level agreement (SLA) work on a service item basis

  • Contracts module general improvements

  • Improvement of control panel, custom filters, bulk update, quick update fields in modules

  • Request approval stages/flow improvement

  • Improvements in file upload/transfer areas

  • Improvements to time machine functionality and interface

  • Performance and visual improvements in Excel/Pdf export areas

  • Add/edit closure rules

  • Admin panel - service catalog changes

  • Admin panel - service catalog service tree changes

  • Updating the authorization structure

  • General design improvements

  • Various security updates

Change : August 2022

  • Improvements in controlling new custom fields

  • Field control improvements of closed records

  • General changes to the user profile

  • Improvements to module details tables

  • Improvements in responsive design

  • Adding hints to the asset details table

  • Search by registration number on all module homepages

  • Improvements to the user overview area

  • Different browser updates

  • Behavior updates on retroactive correspondence

  • Various API additions

  • Improvements in adding images to recordings

  • Various security updates

Change : July 2022

  • Report module performance and data verification updates

  • Improvements to scheduled incidents and servicerequests

  • Knowledge base module general improvements

  • Jira integration improvements

  • New modals editor changes

  • Homepage improvements

  • Active Directory synchronization improvements

  • Various security updates

Change : June 2022

  • Description fields performance improvement

  • Global search improvements

  • Roles module updates

  • Change module improvements

  • Various security updates

Change : May 2022

  • Assets module license tab updates

  • Assets module accessory tab updates

  • Admin settings users page general improvements

  • Change scheduling tab improvements

  • General improvements to business automation rules

  • General filters improvement

  • General associations improvement

  • Various security updates

  • Project module general regulations

  • Adding customized form fields

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